Santa Marea

"The Magical World Of Racing Pigeons"

Home sweet Home
Poesia Breve
Viaje Secreto
Tu Verso
"Fancy Lines"
Amor Amor
"Men of Will and Skill"
Magestic Flowers From Venus. . .
"The Truth Might Set You Free"
"The Magical World Of Racing Pigeons"
Tri City Combine & SBRPC
Laberintos Entre La Vida Y La Muerte

White Doves Release

Today I will walk in peace. . .
Man walking on sand dunes
For I know my journey may not last.

Legends and Some not So Famous!

These days fast food chains make good money. The fast pace in today's society is pushing most people to get in line. Unfortunately, this trend is catching up in most areas of our lives. Even in the pigeon world fanciers are jumping the bandwagon, they want a quick fix. Could it be the most expensive medicine? Are there plenty champion breeders out there to fill the void?

What's the best recipe to win in today's pigeon world, I don't know, Im still searching for I have plenty of time. With that in mind, let me take you on a tour where legends live. I could spend many hours talking about the great breeders of the past, and their great families, no need to do it this time. Their accomplishements are forever engraved in the history books of the pigeon world. Are you a legend in the making. How about a trip to the pantheon of the legends, is that exciting enough for you. Don't wait any longer, this is your opportunity to learn. If you simply want to explore the globe, do it now, there are thousands of pigeons specialists waiting for you to show up. Enjoy!

"Gone but Never Forgotten"

There is always light at the end of the tunnel.
Rainbow and storm clouds
Walk and don't look back!

Enter This Galaxy

My List of Great Ones Is:

The Brothers

The Great Vanbruene

The Catrysse

Mr. Sion

The great Piet

Mr. Fabry

Sir Rotondo

Mr. Calia

Mr. Gordon

Van Hove

Ad S.


Many Stars We Can't See. . .
Space Background 2
There Are Millions Somewhere, and They all Coexist. . .

Other news in this part of my world!